
Showing posts from June, 2020

Interesting Times

These are certainly interesting times that we are living through!  Sports cancelled, a pandemic raging, and now nationwide protests.  My state, Georgia, has relaxed restrictions quite a bit, but leaders are still asking us to wear masks and to social distance.  However, when my wife and I went to Home Depot on Friday, she and I were two of only five people wearing a mask, and that includes only one employee!  Our local Walmart has much better mask participation, and employees are monitoring how many customers enter and exit the store. Some sports look like they will be starting soon: the NBA, the NHL, and MLS, but MLB is too busy trying to win negotiations to focus on doing what's best for all involved.  Many college sports teams have been cleared to return to school for workouts, and even the high schools here in Georgia may have athletes and band members work out at school, as long as certain guidelines are met.  It looks like the NFL and College Footba...