Power Rankings 10/29/19
Welcome Back! The Power Rankings are much improved this year, and so far I'm pretty happy with how they are working. They are still far from perfect, but they're much better than when I first introduced them 2 years ago. If you've been following me for 2 years, then you'll know that the 1st year was marred by too many ties in the rankings. Last year was better, but there were still too many ties. This week, there are no ties again- 2nd week in a row! One other thing I'm happy about is that my rankings contain no "knee jerk" reactions. One loss won't drop a team 30 spots, nor will a big win move them that far. First, a few clarifications about the rankings. I assign a point value to each win and loss. Depending on how far away a team is from the ones above or below, and how those teams did, a team may move up or down, or may not move at all. A team may win and move down, or lose and move up, or stay the same. It all dep...