A Few Nice Days

The last few days have been what I imagined most of retirement would be like, but they can't last.  I'll need to supplement my retirement income, which means some kind of income producing activity in the future.  (Anyone have any ideas about possible jobs for me?)  Plus, with the move coming, there is lots to do.  Then, once school starts, I'll be involved with my youngest son entering his junior year of high school.  Ah, but the last 5 days...

Friday, I did a little cleaning up, because we were expecting Stephen and his father-in-law for lunch.  Karyn arrived in the early afternoon, and we attended the Braves Father/Daughter game that evening (see previous blog for my review of SunTrust Park and the game experience).  Since Karyn was so tired, Jackie ended up driving her home, which necessitated Stephen changing his plans for Saturday.

Saturday, Stephen was supposed to pick up his FIL in Danielsville, then drive here, where I would grill out hamburgers and hot dogs, and then we would go to the Braves game to celebrate Father's Day.  However, since Jackie was in Athens, he had to make an additional stop to get her, which made him much later than expected.  Meanwhile, I took our recyclables to the recycling center, and then picked up the supplies needed for grilling (the aforementioned hamburgers and hot dogs, plus the chips, etc.).  However, since Stephen was running so late, we decided to meet at Schlotzky's on Windy Hill Road near the stadium.  The rest of the day was attending the Braves game, and then driving home.

Sunday was church, then lunch, then a relaxing afternoon that included a nap and some television.  We spent the evening going through some boxes in the garage, and deciding what to donate, what to keep, and what to throw away.  We got a lot done, but we still have a ways to go.  Then I grilled the hamburgers I had bought Saturday, so they wouldn't go bad.

Monday was the busy day!  We got up early and loaded the car with things to take to Dahlonega.  Then we headed to Athens, stopping at a stereo repair place in Atlanta to see if they can fix my turntable/cassette tape player unit.  It's 30 years old, but I'm hopeful it's fixable.  When we got to Athens, we had lunch with Jackie's brother, then went to Home Depot to pick out flooring for the Dahlonega house- the carpet needs to be replaced, and we would like to do it before we fully move in.  Then we drove to Dahlonega and took Eric out to eat to celebrate his birthday, which had been Sunday.  Then we drove back home to Hiram.

Today, Tuesday, I was very lazy.  I had a dentist appointment, my 6-month cleaning and checkup, and then came home and relaxed, watched a little TV, No real plans for tonight, except to watch the Braves, and maybe read a little more.

Tomorrow, we'll have to hit the garage again, and, later this week, perhaps take a few more boxes to Dahlonega and rent a storage unit, so we don't have to move our things into the living room, then out of the living room to replace the floors, and then back in.  I'm all about doing things as efficiently as possible.

Until next time, may your day and your loved ones be blessed!


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