Daily Blog a Failure?

Well, that's been a failure!  Goal #1 is out the window!  Yes, I said I was going to do a daily blog.  That lasted about 5 days.  Then life, as it so often does, happened.

Spent the weekend doing, I don't know, STUFF.  Thursday was Jackie's birthday.  I had labs done for my annual checkup that morning, then we drove to Dahlonega for Jackie to have a job interview.  While I visited with my son, Eric, Jackie took Miller to a meeting at church, renewed her driver's license, and then we had dinner out, followed by driving to Athens.  All-in-all, a pretty full day, I would say.  Not much time to blog.

Friday was more of the same.  Spent the day fixing things in Karyn's apartment, then we drove back to Hiram, arriving close to midnight.  Only time that I had to blog was during the afternoon.  Unfortunately, my computer took that time to update, taking over an hour, and all of my charge, to do so.  Opportunity lost.

Saturday!  Now here's a chance!  Woke up, did recycling, did laundry, and then joined the UGA Women's Basketball Fast Break Club at the Gwinnett Braves game.  A terrific game, by the way!  Got to see Lucas Sims pitch no-hit ball through 6 innings, and almost get a complete game.  The Braves broke through with 3 runs in the 7th (they could have had more) and 6 more in the 8th for a 9-0 win.  As a bonus, we got to see the #1 prospect in all of baseball, who plays for the other team.  Again, didn't get home until late, so no blog.

Sunday... surely I'll find a time to blog then.  Nope.  Went to church, where we welcomed our new rector (after an almost 2-year search).  After a quick lunch, returned to church to help Jackie set up her room for VBS.  Didn't make it home until after 6 pm.  At that point, I helped Jackie find some info from the internet and print it out, and was too tired to think straight, much less blog.  While I am not involved this year (I decided to take a year off), I wanted to help her get ready for the week.  In fact, the reason I have time for this at all today is because I'm not doing VBS.

I have several ideas for novels running through my brain.  However, I need to de-clutter, both figuratively and literally, before I can begin to write.  The impending move to Dahlonega means that we need to get started packing, going through things and deciding what to keep, what to donate, and what to throw away.  I think I'll be able to start writing once we are settled in Dahlonega.  Maybe.

I also have a few other projects that I need to get out of the way before I can start writing, some of which are time sensitive, or have a deadline.  My fear is that there will always be other priorities, and I never get the chance to put my ideas on paper.  Or at least in a word document...

One final note, totally unrelated.  I have an idea for developing a power rating for college football teams, but it will take a boatload of time and research to do.  I hope to be able to debut it through this blog this fall.  It will be interesting to see how accurate it turns out.  It may be a while before we can identify the best teams, as all teams will start out equal, and will wildly fluctuate through the first several weeks before stabilizing somewhat about 4-6 weeks into the season.  At least that's what I anticipate.  I'm excited to see if it is an accurate predictor of winners of late season games and bowl games.

Until next time, may your day and your family be blessed!


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