Random Thoughts 2

Now that the 6th District election is over, everyone I'm sure will be glad that we don't have to watch those campaign ads anymore.  They were getting a bit ridiculous, but I guess they must work, or they wouldn't keep airing them.  Personally, I have never decided who to vote for based on a TV ad.  The only advantage I see to political ads is name recognition, but if you didn't know who Ossoff or Handel were by now, I'm not sure anyone can help you.

Speaking of political ads, I believe one of the worst decisions in the history of the Supreme Court was the one allowing unlimited donations (Citizens United) and allowing Super PACs.  This has transformed elections, and led to over $50 million being spent on this one election.  It is also leading to more half-truths and outright lies being spoken in these ads- who would you sue for libel?

I wonder what the Braves will do when Freddie Freeman is available again?  Matt Adams has done a heck of a job replacing him, and they could sure use his bat in the lineup.  The question is, where do you play everyone?  Freeman is very fine first baseman, but started as a third baseman in high school and in the minors (albeit for only a few games).  Do you move him there? Or do you try to move Adams to left field?  If so, who doesn't play? Kemp? Markakis? Inciarte? Tough decisions ahead for the Braves.  My personal opinion is that the Braves might try to move Adams, Brandon Phillips, Jaime Garcia, or perhaps Markakis.  They might try to trade more than one of these, but a lot depends on where they are in the standings by July 20.  I really like this team, and love the fact they fight to the end of every game.

Can the Atlanta Falcons recover from their Super Bowl collapse?  Will they be even more driven? Or will they be like the Carolina Panthers- one great year and then a collapse?  What if they turn into the Buffalo Bills- 4 straight Super Bowls, but no wins?  From everything I read and hear, they seem to have moved on, and are poised to be even better, though the "pundits" don't think they will be, mostly due to their difficult schedule.

Speaking of which... how do I become a professional pundit?  Is there a school of punditry?  Can I get a scholarship?  Is it online?  That seems like a pretty good gig...

I started work on my own set of college football power ratings.  I'm sorta excited about it, but will be interested in seeing how accurate it is.  And how much time it will take to keep up with.  Look for my initial rankings in late August.  And no, I will not reveal my formula.

That's it for today.  May your day and your loved ones be blessed!


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