
When I was young, I was very skinny, and could eat whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted, and couldn't gain weight.  I weighed 125 pounds when I graduated high school.  In college, I quickly gained 15 pounds eating at the UGA cafeterias, but I pretty much stayed at 140 throughout my time at UGA.

When I student taught, suddenly I was in the classroom or in my car, not spending hours walking around campus.  I began to gain weight.  By the time I married in December that same year, I weighed 165, a weight I maintained for a pretty good while, thanks to being in the Army Reserves.

As the years went by, I slowly added weight, topping out at 232 early in January 2003.  Someone from school (Fitzgerald HS) told me about the Atkins Diet, so I bought the book, read it through, and decided to give it a try.  It worked! Even with a trip to Disney right in the middle, I still lost 45pounds in 6 months!  And lots of inches off my waist, chest, and neck (among other parts).  I felt the best I had in years, and loved it when everyone noticed.

Now, I have already chronicled that when I left Fitzgerald, we moved back to Colbert, but I got a job in Greenville, a 3 hour drive away.  I would come home on the weekends, and drive back on Sunday nights.  This was a very stressful time for me, and I ate a lot both to deal with the stress and to keep me awake while driving.  However, I was able to keep my weight in check for the most part.  Unfortunately, that was probably the worst aspect, as I learned bad habits.

Since then, I have tried Weight Watchers and the Atkins Diet again several times.  I have had some success each time, but, unlike the first diet back in 2003, I have not been able to sustain the discipline necessary to have a more long lasting success.  I attribute this to 2 things.  First, in 2003, Jackie was a stay-at-home mom watching other children in our home.  She was willing and able to get up each morning, prepare me breakfast within the diet (which took a little time) while I was getting ready, and to prepare my lunch.  My schedule was such that I went to the Middle School each day to help out.  On the way back to the high school, I would pick up my children from Ben Hill Elementary School and take them home, where Jackie would give me a snack she had prepared for me.  Then we planned dinners together, and we made sure I stayed within my allowed carb count.  Her assistance was invaluable.  On subsequent attempts, Jackie has been less available to help, so I have had to do my own planning and counting.

This brings me to the second reason I have struggled: willpower.  Without Jackie's help, I have struggled to keep on a diet.  I am usually able to follow a diet for 2-4 weeks, even 6 on occasion, but I find myself cheating a little, or having a binge, and then giving up.  I have found that I often eat when I'm not hungry, because I am either stressed or bored, or I just like the taste, or even the act of eating.

Earlier this week, I weighed more than I ever have in my life: 245.  I know I must do something to lose weight, but I have to find the right way.  I know I need exercise, but am experiencing back pain when I walk any distance, almost certainly due to the excess weight.  The weight has also caused arthritis to form in my right hip, and my cholesterol and blood pressure are starting to rise (can you tell I went to the doctor recently?).

At this point, I'm trying to decide the best course of action.  Knowing what I need and following through are two different things. Whatever I do, it MUST include changes in diet and exercise, and I need to stop making excuses.  I need to walk every day, and I need to eat better, whether that includes low carb or some other plan.  I need to do these things for myself and for my family, so that I can do all the things I outlined in earlier blogs.

Now, I promise that I won't turn this blog into a daily progress report on my weight, but I may occasionally apprise you of my progress (or lack thereof).  This is a personal struggle that I must overcome in order to live a long, healthy, and productive life.

Until next time, may your day and your family be blessed!


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