What now?

Now that I am officially retired from 31 years of teaching, the question becomes, "What now?"  I'm still relatively young, and there are lots of options, but which ones do I choose?

Obviously, one avenue I have chosen is to write this blog, but this certainly won't "fill my days". Do I want to write?  I've had lots of ideas for novels through the years, and have always wanted to put them on paper.  But more importantly, do I have the discipline to set aside the time every day to write?  Part of the reason for this blog is to test that very thought. 

What about composing or arranging?  While I have dabbled a bit in both, I'm not sure the quality is where it needs to be.  Perhaps with more work and experience.  And then comes the question of discipline.  Will I set apart time each day to devote to this activity?  See, this is a different challenge than I've had from teaching.  Teaching band (or chorus) basically consists of listening, evaluating, and reacting/correcting, then doing it again.  When not teaching, it's constantly putting out fires, handling crises, and completing paperwork.  The only thing akin to the type of discipline needed for writing or composing/arranging is practicing my horn, or writing the charts for the marching band movements.  Setting aside time for this was always a challenge. For me, I need several hours of uninterrupted time to accomplish any of these tasks.  As a teacher, finding this uninterrupted time was difficult.  And I must have the physical and mental energy to devote to any of these.  Trying to chart, or practice, or write when you are tired or exhausted makes it nigh impossible to do quality work.  And doing quality work with constant interruptions is also very difficult.  It is important to have both energy and uninterrupted time to get "in the zone", where creativity may flow, and the mind and body may be fully engaged in the task at hand.  In fact, getting into that flow is one of the reasons I miss playing my horn so much.  I've had only limited opportunities to play throughout my teaching career, and I have really missed it!

Another option is to try to find a teaching job at a private school or out of state.  The problem there, of course, is that it may entail moving again, which I do not want to do.  I'm hoping the move to our retirement home in Dahlonega will be my last.  I am, however, interested in a 49% teaching position at a public school, but it would need to be within driving distance.  The problem, of course, is how to find one.  Retirement rules do not allow me to discuss this with any school system until July 1.  That's getting pretty close to the start of school, especially in the band world.  And as yet, I have not found a website that caters to this particular search.

I also want to learn guitar.  I got a free guitar last summer, but it's been sitting around collecting dust.  I finally have it strung correctly (it was set up as a left-handed guitar), and am ready to learn, but I must get right physically.  I evidently have carpal tunnel syndrome, but I'll know more when tests are completed later this month.  It looks like surgery may be in my future, but I won't know until I see the doctor after the tests.  The tingling and numbness have become a constant irritant, making it difficult to do simple tasks like writing, typing, playing horn, playing video games, driving, and holding my phone or tablet.  In fact, even holding a piece of paper, or my wife's hand, will cause the tingling to begin.  I'm really hoping to get this resolved soon.

My students suggested I should be a reader for audio books! Evidently, they think I have a good way of reading with inflection and emotion in my voice.  Not sure how to even go about pursuing that...

Let me know what you think!


  1. The carpal tunnel surgery now is so smooth. I had the first surgery back in dinosaur days with a long recovery. You should quickly be good as new and ready to pursue everything on Jackie's "Honey Do"! :0) I could hear your voice on audio books....


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