Week 0 Predictions and Other Things

Welcome Back!

On Thursdays, I will be giving my predictions for the coming weekend, since most weeks have games on Thursday (though this one does not).  This week's slate of games is pretty sparse, but, to be honest, I'm not really sure why we have any at all.  This whole concept of a "Week 0" seems kind of ridiculous to me.  Anyway, it's here, so let's get to my picks!

UMass over Duquesne- Though Duquesne had a pretty decent year last year (7-4),it is still an FCS program, and the Minutemen shouldn't have any problems handling them.

Rice over Prairie View- The Owls were terrible last year (1-11), but the Mike Bloomgren era gets off to a good start.

Colorado St over Hawai'i- The Rainbows are pretty good on the Island, but this is in Fort Collins.  The Rams roll.  Welcome back, Coach Bobo!

Wyoming over New Mexico St- This may be the only competitive game of the weekend.  The Cowboys go on the road to take on a New Mexico St team that won a bowl game in '17.  It will be interesting to see how the post Josh Allen era begins.

That's all the games for this first week.  Next week, there will be, like, two thousand games!  Okay, that's a slight exaggeration...

I just want to address the whole Urban Meter situation at Ohio State.  I want to state up front that I am no fan of either Meyer or OSU.  However, I feel pretty sure that if OSU was coming off a less successful run, Meyer would have been fired.  Maybe I'm just cynical in my old age, but it seems that wins are more important than anything else.  There's just too much there to justify keeping him.  In the NCAA, lack of control is one of the most serious offenses.  Meyer certainly showed no control over Zach Smith.  Obviously, Meyer can't be expected to monitor Smith's personal life, but there were too many instances of things happening at the OSU athletic complex- sex in the office, sex toys being ordered- and outside on recruiting and other trips for Meyer to claim ignorance, as he has done, or to only threaten Smith- do it one more time, and you're fired!  It will be interesting to see how this season plays out for the Buckeyes.  In my power rankings, they'll get a jump when Meyer returns to the sidelines (yes, the coach is part of my formula).  One final thought: don't be surprised at some of the signs that will be directed at Meyer on ESPN Gameday, and at various stadiums OSU vists this fall.  Could be brutal...

That's it for now!  Come back Monday for my recap and impressions of this Saturday's games (all 4 of them!).

Until next time, may you and your loved ones be blessed!


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