Odds and Ends 12/18/19

Welcome Back!

Here at Odds and Ends, I plan to look at some stats, trends, storylines, etc. as they play out.  I will also give my opinion on some issues, but you can take that for what it's worth.

Today, I will examine how my preseason conference predictions panned out, and how they compare to what I consider the 4 major magazines:  Phil Steele, Lindy's, Athlon, and Street and Smith's.

On pages 6 and 7 of his preseason magazine, Phil Steele outlines a method of comparing preseason predictions, one that was developed by Chris Stassen.  Using this method, I outperformed all 4 of the magazines listed above for the 2018 season!  Did I do it again?

Unfortunately, the answer is no, but I did outperform 3 of the 4, and I was closer to 1st place than I was to 3rd.  Here is how the scores came out after I computed them (low score is best!):

Phil Steele- 116 points
Paul Anderson- 121
Athlon- 129
Lindy's- 131
Street and Smith's 136

Please note- I did not include the scores for Independents for 3 reasons:

1) They are not really a conference
2) Athlon does not rank them; they only preview the teams alphabetically
3) Phil Steele, Athlon and myself all had the same order; S&S was different, but was had more points, so the order was unaffected; only the score was affected.

That's all for now.  Tomorrow, I will have my picks for the early Bowls.  Feel free to leave a comment and to follow me on Twitter: @pbanderson.

Until next time, may you and your loved ones be blessed!


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