TWIF Notes 8/31/2020

 College football is back!  This weekend marks the return of CFB, and while I am usually excited, I guess what I am feeling can best be described as cautiously optimistic.  Will the season get completed? Will it be legitimate, with only 6 of the 10 conferences playing?  That's a good question.  

Normally, you would have already read my previews for all 130 FBS teams, and my 10 conference previews and predictions, but I held off due to the uncertainty (all that work will just go to waste- oh well...).  However, I will reveal my conference predictions on Wednesday of this week (see below).

Today starts my Monday feature called TWIF Notes.  I bet at least 5 of my 10 regular readers out there can figure out what TWIF stands for, but if you're one of the five that aren't sure, I won't keep it a secret.  TWIF stands for This Week in Football.  Now, to be honest, I'll only be writing about college football, but TWICF doesn't quite roll off the tongue as easily...

TWIF Notes will be a recap of the previous weekend: my impressions, who impressed, who flopped, etc.  This will run on each Monday until the season is over, though I may continue it through the offseason if the demand is there.  (OK, you can stop laughing now.)  Obviously, Week 1 has a game on Labor Day, so I won't be able to review that before the game (because it won't have happened yet, duh...).

On Tuesdays, I will reveal my Power Rankings, updated from the previous week.  Hopefully, I have fixed the problems I had last year.  I have completely revamped my formula, but I'm still not revealing it.  I'm not a mathematician, so I know it probably has problems, but I think I'll be closer to true power rankings this year.  As I stated above, normally you would have already seen my top 130 during my previews (I reveal them in order from #130 to #1, in countdown fashion), but since I didn't do that this year, this will be the big reveal!  For this first edition, I will include all 130 teams.  After this week, I will only include the teams that will be playing this fall and that are technically eligible for the playoff (79 teams).  

Wednesdays is a feature I call "Odds and Ends".  This is where I share some statistical items and try to have a little fun.  And this week, I'll reveal my conference picks and my picks for the playoff.

Thursdays will be my picks for the week, and why I feel they will win.  Some will be based on stats, some on observation and knowledge, some will be whimsical, but, let's face it, all will just be a guess.  Like everyone else, I don't really KNOW who is going to win each game, but it's fun to try to predict.  And it will be even harder to be accurate this year, as players may be pulled for quarantine at the last minute, but I guess that's no more unpredictable than injuries, so...

Fridays will be my day off from blogging.  Or if I do blog, it will be non-football related.  Saturdays, I'll be watching football (mostly), doing laundry, and working around the house.  Sundays, I'll be updating my scoresheets, revising my power rankings, and getting ready for the week (after church, of course).

As always, I would love to hear your comments!  If you have any ideas as to how I could improve this lineup, feel free to let me know.

Until next time, may you and your loved ones be blessed!


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