Paul's Picks- Bowls Part II
Welcome Back! The first few bowls have been completed, and so far, I'm 3-2 (.600). Not great, but not too bad either. Fortunately, the games have been competitive so far, and I hope that continues. The CFP starts tonight, but my 2-year record of watching at least part of every bowl game will be in jeopardy, as I will be on the road for the next 2 days. That means I'll be listening to the games on Sirius XM, but probably won't get a chance to watch (unless I can get my wife to drive and let me watch on my phone!). Bowl games are notoriously difficult to pick, as opt outs, coaching changes, and motivation (or lack thereof) can all affect the outcome. But I shall give it the old college try, and predict the winners with very little knowledge of who will or will not be playing for every team. Yay! Now... on with the picks! Friday December 20 StaffDNA Cure Bowl Ohio vs Jacksonville State (Orlando, FL) - Not surprisingly, these teams have never met on the field of play before, a...